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  • Free 64-bit Visual Studio Code - A very popular free code editor for general purpose. It is light and well-equipped with support for many languages out of the box. Additionally, it has an amazing collection of free extensions.

Visual Studio 2019 ISO Free Download 32/64-bit for Windows 10, Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 7. It is the full online/offline installer standalone setup direct single click download of Visual Studio 2019 ISO offline installer Community, Professional, and Enterprise.

You can also get Visual Studio 2017 ISO.

Visual Studio 2019 ISO Overview

Visual Studio 2019 has come in the access on 2nd April, quite recent though!. The new version has brought changing in three categories which can be titled as Develop, Collaborate and Debug. To develop better functioning in a short time, the latest version ensures major improvements in searching. Quick Launch is now giving more fast and effective experience to the users. The better results dynamically come up when the users type something. It also provides with fuzzy search logic to find exactly what is needed.

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You can also get Visual Studio 2015 ISO.

Visual Studio 2019 has been added with many refactoring which let the user wrap method parameters. New C# refactoring organizes the code effortlessly. For taking actions of refactoring, Ctrl+ is to be pressed. An extension, called Visual Studio IntelliCode is helpful in enhancing the software development efforts as it uses artificial intelligence (AI). IntelliCode can help to improve the level of productivity. It delivers context-aware code completions and guides the users to have the best patterns and styles for the team. It helps to find difficult-to-catch code issues and focuses code reviews by taking the user’s attention in the right direction. Initially, Visual Studio supported only C# and presently, it has been added support for C++ and XAML too.

The latest version has a new document health indicator which can be referred to an innovative code cleanup command. The user can manage the warnings and suggestions by this command in just one clicking. Any code suggested by current settings, editing config files, or Roslyn analyzer will be fixed and the previous one will be formatted by this cleanup. Visual Studio 2019 assures team collaboration to solve issues in a better way. Visual Studio Live Share is an adorable developer service which enables the users to share a code base and it’s setting with a colleague and get bidirectional coordination from inside Visual Studio on the spot. With Live Share, a partner can peruse, explore, alter, and debug the specific project that the user has sent to him, and can do this consistently and safely. Furthermore, with Visual Studio 2019, this service is pre-installed.

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You can also get Visual Studio 2012 ISO.

The new version is introducing a useful extension that can be downloaded to utilize with Visual Studio 2019. This extension enables the user to audit, run, and even debug the pull requests from the team without leaving Visual Studio. It supports code in both GitHub and Azure DevOps stores. To begin presently, download the Pull Requests for Visual Studio extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace. To debug, Visual Studio has taken the once-exclusive C++ data breakpoints and caught them for .NET Core applications. In case, the user is coding in C++ or .NET Core, data breakpoints appear to be a good alternative of regular breakpoints. Data breakpoints also help in such conditions when it is necessary to find where a global object is currently being optimized, linked or removed from a list.

If the user is a C++ developer who uses to develop big applications, Visual Studio 2019 is here to make symbols out of proccing and this act allows the user to debug those big applications without facing issues related to memory. The user is likely been there before while, looking in the Watch window for a string among the list of values. In Visual Studio 2019, it has been included in the Watch, Locals, and Autos windows to enable you to discover the items and qualities which are searching for. The user can likewise design how a value is shown inside the Watch, Locals, and Autos windows. Double tap one of the things in any of the windows and add a comma ‘,’ to get a drop-down list of possible arrangement specifiers. Each incorporates a depiction of its impact.

Visual Studio 2019 Features

We mentioned all the latest new features of Visual Studio 2019 ISO Free Download below.

  • In Develop: Improved Performance, Logical Searching, refactoring, IntelliCode, Instant code cleaner.
  • In Collaborate: Live Share, Real-time Editing, Debugging, Code review.
  • In Debug: Memory Use Optimization, Navigation of special values, Improved Formatting.
  • One of the best achievement of Microsoft.

Technical Setup Details

Title: Visual Studio 2019 ISO Free Download
Setup File Name:Visual_Studio_2019.iso
File Size:269.26 kb
Compatibility:64-bit (x64) and 32-bit (x86)
Setup Type:Official Online installer
File Type:.iso
License Type: Commercial Trial

System Requirements For Installation

Have a look, at the system requirements before downloading the Visual Studio 2019 ISO Free Download trial version offline installer setup.
Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.
System RAM: 4.00 GB
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo.
System Hard Disk: 8.00 GB

Free Download

You can download the Visual Studio 2019 ISO online/offline installer of Enterprise, Community, and professional by clicking on a single link download button.

Online Installer

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Visual Studio 2019 Community Free Download

Visual Studio 2019 Professional Free Download

Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise Free Download

Software development industry is growing day by day and most of the Computer science students want to develop software and application. Visual Studio is also an IDE developed by Microsoft for the users who want to develop software in a better environment and more easily. The IDE offers so many advantages for the developers that are uncountable but the main problem is Visual Studio 2018 is a paid software and you need to buy the license from Microsoft to use this software. But these software costs a lot and a normal developer cannot afford this and keeping this in mind we have shared a few ways to get Visual Studio for free.

But diving deep into how to crack or get Visual Studio for free let’s first talk about the features of Visual Basic that makes it one of the best and full-fledged IDE on earth.


Visual Studio Code 64 Bit Free Download
  • 1 Visual Studio Features

Visual Studio Features

Visual Studio offers a lot of features that a software developer needs to develop software more easily and be more productive. Below we have highlighted some of the best features of this Visual Studio.

Huge Language support

Visual Studio not only supports a single development language, it is an IDE that supports multiple coding languages and you can code HTML, CSS, JSP, ASP.NET, VISUAL BASIC, C# and much more languages. So you can use only one IDE for all of your coding needs.

Side by Side Editing

The latest version of Visual Studio supports Side by Side editing, this means you can make changes in your code as well as you can also see the preview in another Window simultaneously that makes it more easy to develop GUI based applications.

Mobile Development Support

After the acquisition of Xamarin by Microsoft, .net developers can directly develop and deploy Mobile based applications using Visual Studio latest version. Users can install Xamarin as a plugin in Visual Studio 2015 while in 2017 version it comes pre-loaded.


Normally traditional IDE’s are based on command line interface, However Visual Studio is based on Graphical User Interface. And thanks to the GUI IDE you can code without getting bored.

These were some of the features of Visual Studio features that makes it one of the best choices for modern applications development. But Microsoft Visual Studio is a heavy software and it requires more resources to run and execute if we will compare it with any other IDE. This is one of the biggest disadvantages of Visual Studio. Below we have mentioned basic system requirements that are needed to run Microsoft Visual Studio 2018.

System Requirement for Visual Studio

Visual Studio 32 Bit Download

  • Video
  • might not work

Source of The Table: Microsoft

Visual Studio 2018 Free Download

Microsoft Visual Studio 2018 is a paid software that needs a key to unlock and you can purchase this via Microsoft. However, if you want to download the software for free then we have posted the link for free download and you can download Visual Studio 2018 for free using this link.

We hope you enjoyed Visual Basic 2017 Key, you can download Visual Basic 2017 from the above link and can use this for lifetime and that too for free. Now let’s move to Visual Studio 2015 Serial Key.

Code 64 Storm

Visual Studio 2015 Free Download

If you do not want to Download the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 the you can download Studio 2015 from below link, However, you will not be able to get XAMARIN support into it and you need to install it as a seprate plugin. You can download it from below link and it will redirect you to 100% safe and secure website.

Download Visual Studio 2013 For Free

Visual Studio 2013 is the older version of it and lightweight, it contains many features that latest versions of Visual Studio lacks. You can do many tasks in Visual Studio 2013 more easier and more fast then the latest version like Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017. You can download Visual Studio 2013 for free using below link.

Visual Studio Code Free Download For Windows 64 Bit

Download Visual Studio 2012

Visual Studio 2012 was an upgraded version of Visual Studio 2010 and if you want to Download Visual Studio 2012 for free then you can do that from our website. Click on below link and you will be redirected to the original Visual Studio website and from there you can download Visual Studio 2012 for free.

Download Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010 was an upgraded version of Visual Studio 2008 and if you want to Download Visual Studio 2012 for free then you can do that from our website. Click on below link and you will be redirected to the original Visual Studio website and from there you can download Visual Studio 2010 for free. This link is 100% safe and secure to download you can download Visual Studio 2010 for free and without any problem

Code 64 Departure

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